Listen up — this is a topic for everyone out there. Do you know what is in your deodorant?
There has been a lot of talk lately around the dangers of deodorant and how certain brands carry harmful chemicals that can lead to breast cancer. When this was brought to my attention, I did some serious research and hated the results I found – – majority of deodorants are not clean.
Don’t be fooled — this is not just a concern for woman. This is something that affects boys, girls, men and woman. The studies show that majority of antiperspirant brands contain aluminum-based compounds that when applied to the under arm, are absorbed near the breast which can cause estrogen-like effects. In other words, breast cancer.
But I get it. None of us want to be putting harsh chemicals on our skin or anything but a huge concern is “will this natural deodorant actually work?”. Some of these natural brands leave people smelling like B.O. or with a rash (yikes) Dont worry thought – – The list of deodorants I am about to recommend are top of the line brand with excellent reviews. (I am even including ones I have used or my friends have)
*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means if a purchased is made, I will receive a commission at no additional charge to you. All recommendations are my own. Thank you!
Clean Deodorant To Buy Today:
Kaia Natural Charcoal Deodorant

This clean deodorant is filled with natural ingredients to fight sweat and odor without the risk. Interested in the charcoal infused effects? Check out my post on why you should switch to charcoal soap below.
Related Post:
Cleo + Coco Charcoal Deodorant
This award winning brand is all about sensitive skin care. Their clean ingredients are top of the line and skin friendly. (see ingredients below)

Kopari Beauty CBD Deodorant

This vegan, clean deodorant is extra strength and extra soothing. Even better? You can get the markets only whole plant CBD powder from our favorite place on earth, Ulta Beauty. This natural deodorant has fantastic reviews and seems to really do the trick.
Schmidt’s Here Now – Activated Charcoal Sensitive Skin Deodrant

One of the latest clean deodorants to hit the market is Schmidts Here now. This natural line contains all the activated charcoal benefits we know and love plus it is very affordable (you can get it from Target for $8). Oh…. and Justin Bieber was launched in Partnership so thats pretty cool.
Those are the 4 highly rated and recommended clean deodorants of 2020. Take care of yourself!