Hello & Welcome!

Hello and welcome : )
Background: No, I am not your typical ‘blogger’. Truthfully, I started this website Summer 2018 because every job I wanted said I needed more experience. The last thing I was going to do was waste another summer with a basic internship… so I took a different route and created this website.
My goal with this website was to display my wide range of experience to future employers. (Web design, SEO, digital marketing campaigns, traffic building, creative design, analytics, etc.) Sounds pretty boring but its the truth. At the time, no one understood what I was doing. My motives were questioned and I constantly got the “oh… you don’t have an internship?” comment. I don’t blame them. It probably looked bad but truthfully I didn’t care. I had a plan and knew what I was doing would work… it would just take a little time.
Skip ahead 12 months later, this resume building strategy worked. It landed me a full time position as the Marketing Director for a multi million-dollar company. (boom)
After a lot of hard work this website got me where I wanted and now I am so excited to see where it will take me. I kept it relatively private over the years because it wasn’t my intention to promote it to friends and family; to me, it was just for work. Now that circumstances are different, I wasn’t ready to let the website go.
This blog has turned into my favorite hobby/second job. I have met so many wonderful people and learned a ton along the way. It is a fun way for me to challenge myself while bringing in a second income (plus it is a good excuse to constantly browse online stores lol)
So yeah. Thats the background of my website. I realize it wasn’t much of an ‘about me’ description (I feel like those are awkward to write) but here is one in brief:
My name is Cassandra, Cassi for short. Growing up my nickname was ‘Lola’ which is how I thought of my domain name (living like lola). I am 23 years old and always up to something fun. My best friends are scattered across the country which makes for lots of spontaneous trips. I have a big family that I enjoy spending time with and the cutest niece and nephew ever (unbiased opinion). As you may have gotten from above, I tend to do things a little differently than most. I am a very goal oriented person but also pretty scatter brained at times. I’d like to say i’m pretty funny and I vow to never be a cringy-swipe-up-to-subscribe blogger.
ok I think did a pretty good job so I’m gunna leave it at that because this is uncomfortable and ill probably change it later.