This post is all about the most common blogging mistakes that are holding you back. These are the biggest blogging mistakes that you need to avoid in order to be successful.
*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Meaning if a purchase is made I may receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. Everything I recommend is 100% my opinion.
1. Not owning your domain name and or website.
One of the biggest blogging mistakes out there is not owning your website. If you are looking to take your website seriously, the first step you need to take is owning it. Never use “.net” or “.co”… those appear as unprofessional and are very likely get HACKED. (which is a huuuuge set back…..) If you want to look professional, you need to be professional and it all starts with purchasing your domain.
GET STARTED FOR $3.95 a month today!! Believing in yourself goes hand in hand with investing in yourself.

2. Believing it is a ‘get rich quick’ gig.
There’s no lie that you can make some serious money with your online business. Bloggers all over have proven it can be done! However, it is important to stay grounded. There are a lot of people selling that they “made 6 figures in 1 month.. buy this course to find out how you can do the exact same!” be careful. While this may be true, remember it is their PITCH. They might have made it “in one months” but majority of the time, that’s after spending months, maybe even a year, with trial and error, extensive research all while struggling to make $5.
Few people make big bucks from the get go with any job. You need to be patient, stay curious, and not trust every bloggers income report too much. Slow and steady, patience is key.
3. Buying the wrong over priced blogging ecourses vs. NOT buying the right ecourses.
It is important to invest in yourself for any successful business. But do your research. Don’t go money crazy and buy every blogger e-packet out there because they say you need it. Truthfully, you will soon realize you can find a lot of the same information somewhere else for free! However, it is all about balance. Don’t be afraid to invest in your knowledge because remember, knowledge is power. My advice is to find a successful blogger who you can genuinely TRUST what you are buying from them. There are a lot of scammers out there who just want your money over your own success…learn to read people and try to spend in between $40 – $100 on a course packet. One of the most impacting blogging mistakes I learned to avoid was buying something because I thought it was a good deal (when really it was 4 pages of stuff I already knew) If a price is too little, its is discouraging that the information is valuable and if it is way to high (*depending on the person and what they are offering) it could be a flat out scam.
4. Too much planning, not enough Doing.
This is the easiest step to remember and the hardest one to do. The more you try to be perfect, the smaller your chances of real success get. Biggest thing to remember to avoid getting caught up is to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.
Stop planning a blog, start your blog. Stop planning a post, post it today. What helps me is dedicating Sunday evening to planning out my week. Sometimes I spend 30 minutes doing this, sometimes it is closer to 2 hours. As long as you get it all laid out and presentable to take on your week, you are in the right direction. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a dream, right? BUT a plan without the work is just a bust.
5. Not being yourself.
It is normal to get excited after reading other successful bloggers content. There is nothing wrong with seeking inspiration! That being said, there is a thin line between being inspired by someone’s work and trying to implement someone else’s work into your own.
It is easier than you think to see through someone’s online presence. If someone is being monotoned and fake… they are going to have a hard time building an audience. Don’t be afraid to be you! You’re more interesting than you give yourself credit for. Avoid this blogging mistake by going through your draft at the end and read it out loud like you are talking to a friend. If it sounds fake or definitely not something you’d actually say out loud.. maybe tweak it up a bit. Don’t take life too seriously and just be you!
6. Not planning ahead.
Don’t plan too much but definitely don’t plan too little. You need structure! The first of every month should be dedicated to setting your GOALS. But don’t be a fairytale dreamer about it – be REALISTIC. Goals are meant to be reached. So set small, practical goals and make it a game to surpass them. Plan what your posts are going to be this month, plan what week you are going to focus on what…. plan. plan. plan.
If you are looking for a great planner I highly recommend the Day Designer!! I have tried hundreds of journals, notebooks, day planners etc. and I always go back to this one. She is amazing! The layout of this planner allows you to time block your day, huge list of daily to do’s, goals spot + so much more! I linked the one that I have and prefer (hard cover) but you can get the soft cover one for under $20!!
So, if you are serious about using your time wisely… you have to plan wisely. Check it out below!

7. Not taking advantage of the blogging resources out there.
This is a huge one. If you are trying to grow your online business or bog, don’t think for a second you have to do it all by yourself! If you start using the available resources from the very beginning, I can guarantee you will find greater (and wayyyy faster) success than trying to do it all on ur own.
For example, one of my top 3 biggest blogging mistakes was waiting 6 months to even consider looking at Tailwind for traffic growth and I am STILL kicking myself for it. Once I finally did it (which it was way easier than I thought it would be…..) not only did I save myself 3 hours every day to work on getting more posts out there, my traffic grew from 10k-90k in one month.
Knowing your resources is SUCH an important step. I will send you ALL the best blogging resources out there for FREE. (This is something that goes off of step 3… other bloggers will try to make you pay for this but i’m here to genuinely help.) Put in your email below to download the PDF!! 🙂
I hope these 7 steps helped guide you in the right direction! If you have any questions, leave a comment below or send me an email and I would be more than happy to respond 🙂
Related posts:
- How To Start A Successful Blog
- The Importance Of Owning Your Website
- 3 Affiliate Programs That Will Grow Your Income